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There you stand looking everywhere but here

I see you and I hear you, although you don’t speak

I see that you keep looking at my Fish in Water paper weight

I think you are asking to see it with your eye gaze

When I hand it to you, you light up like the 4th of July night sky

You still don’t look at me, but I know you are happy

Then something changes, and you feel frustrated

I can read your body language, it’s become tight and you are running into my wall

I hear you, you need to regulate, I give you a calming object, something to your liking

You speak loud and clear, we just need to know how to listen to you dear

Your eyes tell a story only communicated through your physical actions and the lyrics that you repeatedly sing. Sometimes your voice says a string of words, but I have to slow you down just to help the world comprehend your thoughts

You are the reason for bringing me cheer, you light up my world like a brilliant and shining star

I’m going to walk every inch of the way to help you communicate using your voice, pictures, or an electronic device. I’m your cheerleader and I will stand to speak up for you when your aren’t being heard

That’s the beauty of communication, its not just a voice, it’s the ability to make others understand you with your facial expressions, your eyes, your movements, your abstract form of speaking.

You teach me to listen with my eyes, you teach me to hear with your silence and you teach me to acknowledge you are part of this world and your existence is valuable

Therapy is a weekly event where we meet to move forward by taking little steps or leaps and bounds, just know that I am here and I show up knowing that together we can make a difference

Written By: Angelica Davila, SLPA

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